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28 August 2012

The next YAK-AEROSIB meeting will take place on 11-12 October 2012 in Paris. [ link ].


2 August 2012

The campaign has captured dense forest fire plumes over most of Siberia, from the boundary layer to the upper troposphere. According to news agency RIA Novostia, the burning area over Siberia was 23,300 ha as of yesterday, Aug. 1st. Most of these fires are in the Tomsk and Krasnoiarsk areas.


26 July 2012

The new YAK-AEROSIB campaign is due to start next week, leaving Novossibirsk on July 31st for a 4-day intensive campaign in the Tu-134.


9 February 2012

The next aircraft campaign is being planned for end of April this year. A new Picarro instrument for CO2 and CH4 will be embarked.


10 January 2012

A recent paper by Engvall Stjernberg et al. published in Tellus B shows the importance of the Siberian forests as a sink for tropospheric ozone. The study uses strong correlations between low ozone concentrations measured during YAK-AEROSIB and other programmes (TROICA, ZOTTO) and the spatially integrated footprints from the FLEXPART LPDM.


15 December 2011

French project CLIMSLIP kick-off meeting in Paris LATMOS CLIMSLIP.


15 October 2011

The CLIMSLIP (Climate impacts of short-lived pollutants in the polar regions) project has been accepted for funding by the French agency ANR. The project is coordinated by LATMOS and LSCE is a partner. Within CLIMSLIP a YAK aircraft campaign is planned for the summer 2013. Methane measurements are to be used in a modelling exercise […]


7 June 2011

The agreement establishing the YAK AEROSIB collaboration as a “Joint International Laboratory” (LIA, Laboratoire International Associé) for the next 4 years has been signed in Moscow by the YAK AEROSIB partners including CNRS and the Russian Academy of Sciences ( see more at CNRS website ). The previous term of the collaboration has been carried […]

