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November 2013

Abstract Submission now open for EGU 2014. You are welcome to submit abstracts to the session “AS4.5/GI2.2 Aircraft-based observation of the atmosphere and atmosphere-surface exchange processes” – [ link ].

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29-31 October 2013

kick-off meeting of the project MOCA (Methane Emissions from the Arctic OCean to the Atmosphere: Present and Future Climate Effects) in Oslo.

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July 2013

New YAK-AEROSIB campaign took place in July 2013. This campaign was part of the ANR CLIMSLIP project.

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5 June 2013

 Colloque Chantier Arctique – See the Colloque information here. See the YAK-AEROSIB prospective presentation here.

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4 June 2013

New paper by Berchet et al. available in Tellus B on the O₃ budget terms over Siberia observed during the 2010 campaign.

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7 April 2013

Several YAK-AEROSIB presentations given at EGU this. See notably Arshninov et al. on the last campaign interpretation here, Antokhin et al. on the new aircraft platform here, and Berchet et al. on mesoscale inverse modelling of CH4 emissions over Western Siberian wetlands here.

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12 October 2012

The project and scientific meetings have gathered about 40 participants.

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Meeting 2012

YAK-AEROSIB 2012 meeting, Paris The science meeting will take place on 11 afternoon and 12 morning, with time for scientific presentations and general discussions. The 12 afternoon will be also available to continue the discussions. There will be an internal meeting on aerosol measurements the 10 october afternoon. Objective of the meeting To present and […]

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28 August 2012

The next YAK-AEROSIB meeting will take place on 11-12 October 2012 in Paris. [ link ].

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2 August 2012

The campaign has captured dense forest fire plumes over most of Siberia, from the boundary layer to the upper troposphere. According to news agency RIA Novostia, the burning area over Siberia was 23,300 ha as of yesterday, Aug. 1st. Most of these fires are in the Tomsk and Krasnoiarsk areas.