26 July 2012
The new YAK-AEROSIB campaign is due to start next week, leaving Novossibirsk on July 31st for a 4-day intensive campaign in the Tu-134.
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The new YAK-AEROSIB campaign is due to start next week, leaving Novossibirsk on July 31st for a 4-day intensive campaign in the Tu-134.
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The next aircraft campaign is being planned for end of April this year. A new Picarro instrument for CO2 and CH4 will be embarked.
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A recent paper by Engvall Stjernberg et al. published in Tellus B shows the importance of the Siberian forests as a sink for tropospheric ozone. The study uses strong correlations between low ozone concentrations measured during YAK-AEROSIB and other programmes (TROICA, ZOTTO) and the spatially integrated footprints from the FLEXPART LPDM.
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French project CLIMSLIP kick-off meeting in Paris LATMOS CLIMSLIP.
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The CLIMSLIP (Climate impacts of short-lived pollutants in the polar regions) project has been accepted for funding by the French agency ANR. The project is coordinated by LATMOS and LSCE is a partner. Within CLIMSLIP a YAK aircraft campaign is planned for the summer 2013. Methane measurements are to be used in a modelling exercise […]
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The agreement establishing the YAK AEROSIB collaboration as a “Joint International Laboratory” (LIA, Laboratoire International Associé) for the next 4 years has been signed in Moscow by the YAK AEROSIB partners including CNRS and the Russian Academy of Sciences ( see more at CNRS website ). The previous term of the collaboration has been carried […]