22 February 2018

iCUPE post-doc offer at LSCE and LATMOS.

Plus d'actualités

Environmental changes in Siberia: French-Russian workshop, 21-23 octobre, Paris

See more information at: https://envchangesib.sciencesconf.org/   High latitudes of the northern hemisphere and particularly Siberia play a key role in the Earth system across multiple couplings between climate, biogeochemical cycles, environment, glacial processes and hydrology. Siberia is a particular hot spot of these interactions. Furthermore, human activities also exert a strong impact with the exploration […]

6 December 2018

Prof. Igor Razenkov has given a seminar on “Backscatter enhancement lidar” at the occasion of a visit of scientists from IAO Tomsk to LATMOS in Jussieu, Paris.

May 2011

A new aircraft (Tupolev 134, Tu-134) has been selected by the Institute of Atmospheric Optics for the following YAK-AEROSIB campaigns. The Tu-134 has a cruise speed of 750 km/h, max altitude 11900 m, and an autonomy of 1900 km. It will fly up to 7000 m for the next campaign, in order to ensure the […]
